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machine plane中文是什么意思

用"machine plane"造句"machine plane"怎么读"machine plane" in a sentence


  • 机床切削平面


  • Machines planing - test and inspection methods
  • Peeling machine plane machine
  • His plan is to come in at 25 feet and then veer up and take off and hell be followed by 16 other machine planes who will do the same thing and try and do some damage to this train in world war ii . so as hes coming down , a thousand feet away from the train , he unloads his guns
  • To reduce the marking distortion , using the vertical 2 - dimension galvanometer distributing and f field lens focalize , the distance of the second galvanometer to the machining plane is the focus f . to avoid too hign temperature to distroy the resonance cavity because of too long marking time , cooling system and self - protector is used in the design
    为减少打标畸变,采用垂直二维振镜分布, f物镜聚焦,将激光束经第二个振镜反射后到加工平面的距离为焦距f ,为了避免打标时间过长,温度过高破坏谐振腔,在设计中加上冷却系统和自我保护装置。
用"machine plane"造句  
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